
The land of Safari's

Information - Kenya

Kenya is home to more than 49 million people in the east of the african mainland continent.  It is mostly known for its wildlife and the Masai Mari.  With plenty of other national parks to offer something for everyone.
The Capital Nairobi is a bustling city and the gateway to the national parks. Mombassa is the oldest city and its first capital.
From the coral backed shores to the rugged Rift Valley rising to over 2000 mts there is plenty to see and do.


.Currency:  Kenyan Shilling

Language: English and Bantu Swahili

Visa: E visa required

Power: 240 volts AC.  Plug  types G

Safety: There is always a threat of terrorism, but mostly this occurs in major city areas.  Consider your destinations when planning your trip. Check with your government travel advice for up to date information.


Local Matutes are used by locals and the brave tourist, these are cheap, but crowded and not at all comfortable.
Shared taxi’s are a slightly better option and faster as they fill more quickly.  Buses exist for local city transport.  Taxis are easy in populated areas and relatively cheap.  For the longer journey it is best to hire a car and drive yourself (singposting is not great and roads are rough), or better still hire a car with a driver.  


Dates of festivals change so check if this is part of your plan.

East African Arts Festival.
Eid al-Fitr.
International Camel Derby and Festival.
Mombasa Carnival.
Jamhuri Day
New Year


Weather is mostly warm average 32 oC on coast but can be cool in higher elevations 9 oC.
Rainy season is from March to may. Dry season from June to August.  The best time of year is July to September.


Travel in Kenya can mean many climatic zones. Multi layers of clothing recommended as temperatures climb and drop quickly. Best to stick to pastel colours if on safari.
Do not forget Camera and Binoculars if on Safari as not all animals are close by.


Basic 5225 KES
Mid Range 18000 KES
Luxury  27000 KES plus

Most accommodation outside of the cities has the meals included in the price.

Car and driver varies enormously but can be had from 7,000 KES per day.  Depends on length of journey and number of days.

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